DevOps Automation Services

Fast-growing consumer demand driven by the advent of digital solutions led to the replacement of critical machines with technology-driven smart solutions. Now, the world is witnessing the next stage of such smart solutions in the form of Automation!
More than a trend, Automation has become a need of the hour for many firms. Many firms are looking at it as a key driver of trending technology solutions they deploy on board.
One such technology trend that gave due attention to Automation is DevOps, which eventually became popular as ‘DevOps Automation’
What Is DevOps Anyway?
“Whatever definition you might have, you are not wrong because there is no official definition of DevOps.”
Rodriguez Pardo pointed out how agile has the Agile Manifesto to offer guidelines to agile software development, but there is no such thing for DevOps, which means that no one’s definition is wrong. We agree it means Development plus Operations, but that’s where clarification ends.
“This is quite a problem actually because everybody is talking about it and everybody means something else,” she continued.
So for the context of her talk, she offered her favorite DevOps definition by VersionOne: “DevOps is not a tool or a process, but a practice that values continuous communication, collaboration, integration, and automation across an organization.”
This fits well also because no one can really agree on the definition of the D (“delivery,” or sometimes “deployment”) in the CI/CD value of DevOps either. Everyone seems in accordance that the first stands for continuous integration, but is the CD continuous delivery, deployment, design or something else? Often it means all of them.
What Rodriguez Pardo did in her talk by establishing a definition at the start was to remind us that, because there is no standard definition, this is the first point of conversation when approaching any DevOps transformation — start by clarifying what it is you are even talking about for each department.
“It includes communication, collaboration and integration, not only automation. That’s something I really like about it,” which are the factors Rodriguez Pardo focused on for deciding what to automate.
Most companies undergoing a DevOps transformation have already embraced the Scrum framework — with clearly defined roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner, and development teammates — which she says works well if you assume the product goes directly into the hands of the customer after it leads the Scrum process. This is rarely the case. This is never the case when you’re talking about the complexities of telecom companies.
Why Process Automation?

Process automation across the software process chain ensures effective resource utilization and timely deliveries. 60 percent fewer IT failures due to DevOps as more stable operating environments are provided.
As a balancing act, automation services also help firms enhance their developers’ productivity by minimizing manual burden, reducing chances of failure facilitating automated testing procedures and managing other tasks across the cross-project requirements.
This eventually leads to Continuous Delivery (CD) and Continuous Integration (CI) with scalability and compliance with standards in place
DevOps Automation Services provides organizations with the following benefits:
- Elimination of recurring action items enabling staff to focus on value addition
- Increased deployment rate for new software releases
- Reduction of ongoing operational cost
- Establishment of standard ‘error-free’ work environments
- Reduction of reliance on a single source or teams
Playful change
Your development team is the heart of your digital product organization. Are they working on the right goals at that pace which you need to compete with? Adopting full agile helps development teams focus on what things are working while working fast. But understanding playful practices – and habits towards change – need more than training. We can help you accelerate your agile change with coaching, organizational design and change management that meets your needs. Consider this custom cooperation.
Application changes
Pleasing the customer. Moving from monolithic code bases to the next-gen architecture allows you to release features as soon as they are ready, without compromising stability and security. From microwaves and container architecture to cloud-native development, we can help you prove your application in the future.